Selasa, 25 September 2012


            Economics affects all of us, whether we understand how it does this or not. Economics is a sciencies that deals with the satisfaction of human wants through the use of scarce resources of prodaction. Since all resources are limited, there never are enough to give individuals all that they want. The economic system of a country must deal with the problem of allocating these scarce resources among the competing parties who want them. 

An ‘economic system results from the way in which people organize natural resources, labor, and management skills to produce and distribute the things they want. In many ways an economic system makes conflicting demands kupon us it may dictate  certain behaviors, such as getting a job to provide income, and it may then change the demand for the Koba certain people are trained to perform. Engineers are a good example – years ago there was little demand for engineers, now there is a strong demand. At some point in the future we can be sure the demand for enggineers will decline again. Individual workers must look out for their own intersts – yet may have to join other workers to present a united front to get what they want. The ideals economic system rewards individual achievement – at the same time it encourages everyone to work together for the benefit of all.  

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